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Map description:

I created this Far Cry 5 Arcade map to learn how to use the editor and develop my Level Design skills.

My aims:

My main aim for this map was to practice using the Far Cry 5 Arcade editor and create an organic style map. I also wanted to develop my Set- Dressing skills.


Far Cry 5 Arcade - PC



Map overviews:


Level Breakdown:


Map description:

This CS:GO defuse map was designed and created as part of a University submission. 

My aims:

My main aim for this map was that it promoted game play styles associated with the game.

I used the Four-square method to start designing this map, I then researched why certain competitive maps work well in CS:GO and applied this to my own map.


CS:GO SDK Hammer 






Level breakdown: 

I created three main paths from each side for the teams to use as I found that this is common in other CS:GO maps. More main paths would make the map confusing or take too much time for the players to navigate the map or gain backup. 

I then created five alternative routes. This reduced the predictability of the player movement making the game more enjoyable. It also gives the players a choice to take different routes and experiment with different tactics. 

I created four connecting paths between these routes. These gave the player a chance to quickly change paths. For a fast paced game I felt that it was important that the player does not need to walk backwards to change direction as the game plan for each team could change quickly. 



These symbols represent the Terrorist and Counter Terrorist teams that are found in the game. This map is CT sided, this means that the CT team will reach the bomb sites before the T players, to balance this I created long site lines along the B site and the mid location for the T players to seize before deciding on a bomb site.  


These areas are two of the choke points leading up to the bomb sites. I kept the choke points to a small amount on this map as I there are only 5 players per side on a professional team, if I created too many choke points there would be too many areas to monitor. 


This is the mid section. This area was designed to enable the teams to change tactics and move around the map. It also provides an area for one team to try to claim. 


These are the bombsites on the map. They are on different sides so that they cannot be covered from the same position. They are not too far away from each other as I wanted to enable the T players to move between them quickly as this is important if they find that one bomb site is too heavily defended. It is also important that the CT side can move between them quickly when they discover where the bomb has been planted. 


Please click on images for more information

Prototype description:

Agora is a prototype for a survival, exportation game that I created as part of a group of 5 during a University project. We had nine weeks including a two week planning period to complete this module. 

My roles:

Game Designer

Level Designer

Project manager 


Play Video

My responsibilities:

As a Game Designer I was responsible for creating the Game design documentation, creating a backstory and character personalities and communicating with my team. 

I designed the level and then used UE4's Landscape tool to create the sculpt of the island and blend textures that were provided to me by the environment artist. I then created the post processing effects and lighting for the prototype. 

I was also responsible for leading meetings and assuring that my team were aware of their tasks and that the work was all completed by the set sprint deadlines. 

Q&A testing was a very important aspect of this project, I created forms and ran tests with our testers. I would then analyse the feedback and communicate this back to my team and make changes in any design areas.


Unreal Engine 4



Level breakdown:


Spawn path start

2 Jumping 


Spawn path end 



Boar den

Forest paths

River crossing

10 Vantage points

11 Jumping puzzle

12 Cave

13 Third objective

14 Zipline

15 Win objective

Post Survial: Evolved
Post Survival- Evolved
Play Video

Please click on images for more information

Prototype description:

Game jam winner! 

Post Survival- Evolved is a prototype created by myself and 3 other team members for a 3 day University game jam. 

The constraints for the game jam were: 
Post survival 
Kinetic energy
Horrible puns
Anti- hero

My roles:

Level Designer

3D modeller

My responsibilities:

During this game jam my team and I worked together to create a game idea that fit the constraints give to us. I was then responsible for making some of the 3D environment, designing the levels and then creating them in engine. I also created the post processing effects and lighting for the prototype. 


Unreal Engine 4



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